Saturday, 28 August 2010

Home remedies for the stretch

Home remedies to alleviate the Striae:

1 Flaxseed oil: for its high content of vitamin E, promotes the cells and may help reduce the stretch.

2. A good mix of avocado with honey and a tablespoon of lemon; aplicatelo top of the stretch massaging circularly.

3. The Glycerin is a sticky cream which tested say that it is very effective.

4 Make a formula almentras yogurt oil and the zest of a lemon, mix everything and apply once or twice a day on the affected area.

5 Mix 10 tablespoons of oil of almonds with five drops of lavender oil, and with a cotton applied twice a week in the affected area, its appearance will decline to almost disappear.

6 cream calendula, is an elaborate cream of natural agents which has properties to reduce the stripes.

7 Applied once daily Rosehip Oil and oil almond after each shower.

8. The horse by its wealth of Silicon (natural regenerating) queue horsetail treatments are effective in the treatment of stretch marks, especially those of latest generation.Marinate 100 gr. of horsetail and 8 drops of lemon in a litre of alcohol 40 ° 1 month.Dilute with water to 50% and massage areas twice a day.

9. The external use of juice from fresh root or the resulting fluid infusion of dried leaves can help reduce stretch marks; something very efectrivo also Aloe Vera cream, oil, gel, etc.

10. A mask for half an hour carrot pulp favors also the smoothness of the skin. Put some carrots steamed until they get soft. The pounding until it as a puree and applies in the affected area.Leave to act for half an hour and enjuaguar with cold water.Hot water is very bad for stretch marks since stretches the skin.

11. The pulp of grape extended on stretch marks in the form of mask for 20 or 30 minutes is a good resource to help you to disappear or prevent their formation.

12 Take the five purple beets Peel, five peach shells and the heart of a carrot, liquify it all and apply on the white stripes.With this ointment is stretch marks that are probably forever.

13. Recent studies to revealed that the snail slime contains powerful nutrients to regenerate damaged tissues.Application of snail slime protein in areas affected by the Striae, removes damaged cells and substitutes new cells but it is recommended to accompany with moisturizing products snail slime protein treatments because this substance tends to be astringent and drying the skin.

Finally for the Striae breast: media lemon rind and egg yolk.Blend the rind of lemon in the blender and Add egg yolk.Stir well and apply the mixture then covering breasts and leaving Act for several minutes.

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