Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Home remedies for the taquicárdias

As we all know already, the heart is a muscle pump which directs the blood circulation and is considered one of the most vital organs of our body. However, rarely it is careful and only when they occur disorders such as tachycardia is when its true importance is perceived.

Tachycardia most common is called atrial, tachycardia by paroxysm, is an alteration of the normal rhythm of the heart which passes 72 beats per minute (in an adult at rest) 120-180-200 seconds.As a result, the body doesn't receive enough oxygen and nutrients to function properly.

We have tachycardia causes:

Arteries or TabaquismoAbuso heart stimulant such as alcohol or lack of physical activity status congenital problem of anxiety or stress momentary emotion coffee diseases.

Common symptoms:

Lack of air Apresuradas palpitations pain in chest sweats and debilidadCansancio and occasions fainting.

Natural remedies to prevent it:

Make a tea with dried flowers of honeysuckle in one cup of water which must boil for 5 minutes.Take two or three times a day.It is highly recommended for cases of taquicardia.Preparar infusion with a teaspoon of dried or fresh flowers Hawthorn in one cup of water which must boil for 10 minutes. Taken twice a day. This infusion helps regularizing the Pulsations of the heart, increases the power of the heart muscle and low blood pressure.Develop an infusion with a teaspoon of dried Valerian in one cup of water which must boil for 10 minutes. Valerian not only reassure the person but also helps to regularize the heart rate. Take a cup preferably at night.

But it is also recommended:

Do a little exercise; when you do them it elevates the heart rate and heart tends to be restored to a lower level. The exercise also offers a healthy release excess adrenaline product of aggressive or hostile feelings that have accumulated by different situations that arise.Thus the heart suffers less.

Eat foods with magnesium and potassium.In magnesium, this mineral creates contraction and relaxation rhythm and the heart is less likely to become irritated.Foods with magnesium are, for example, beans, soy, nuts, beans or beans and bran.In the potassium is another mineral that helps reduce cardiac activity and irritability of muscle fibers.Found in fruits and vegetables

Adjust your food plan to your metabolism.People with metabolism fast should eat more protein, food because they take longer to be digested and help prevent to fall too much sugar in the blood.When low sugar, triggers the process of adrenaline which may result in an increase in heart rate.

People who work under pressure are a greater willingness to suffer from atrial tachycardia by paroxysm.This is due to stress produces a break the autonomous conduct of the heart, a loss of rhythm.It is important to rest and learning to visualize both personal and Professional Affairs with serenity, tranquility and calm, so best is to descanseis every time you feel fatigued.

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